CAS No. :
Synonym : 5-Tetradecin-1-ol - Tetradec-5-yn-1-ol
Molecular Formula : C14H26O
Molecular weight : 210.36
Appearance : Clear, colourless to pale yellow liquid.
GC Purity : 96.0% minimum
5-Tetradecyn-1-ol is the precursor to the sex pheromones, (Z)-5-tetradecen-1-yl acetate and (Z)-5-tetradecenal, of the Cossus cossus (European goat moth), Ctenopseustis obliquana (Brownheaded leafroller), Planotortrix excessana (Greenheaded leafroller), Agrotis exclamationis (Heart and dart moth) and Pikonema alaskensis Rohwer (Yellowheaded Spruce Sawfly).